Advance of Non-destructive Diffraction Measuring Internal Residual Stress in Crystal Materials
Graphical Abstract
Neutron diffraction and synchrotron radiation are the main methods for non-destructive measuring internal residual stress existed in crystal materials at present. However, the facilities used by these methods need huge investment as they require nuclear reactor or high energy synchrotron source, only several laboratories in few developed countries owned the diffraction spectrum-meter. The wide application in industries is restricted critically. Short-wavelength X-ray diffraction (SWXRD), exploiting the W-target-Kα ray (wavelength of about 0.02 nm) and distinctive spectrum receive mode, achieves a high penetration depth and accurately measure the lattice strain with non-destructive method like neutron diffraction and synchrotron radiation. It is a new practical way to measure internal residual stress non-destructively. The advances of measuring residual stress by neutron diffraction and synchrotron radiation at home and abroad were reviewed. The test results of internal residual stress gained by short-wavelength X-ray diffractometer were revealed. The three kinds of diffraction methods of measuring internal stress non-destructively were compared and analyzed.