An Improved Method to Calculate Recrystallization Fraction Based on EBSD Pattern q Index
Graphical Abstract
An improved method to estimate recrystallization fraction of material was put forward based on (electron backscattering diffraction) EBSD pattern q index with large deformation high purity aluminum sample which had been annealed at 300 ℃ as example. First extracting q index data according to crystallographic orientation and calculating the separated recrystallization fraction by q index integration method supposed by Tarasiuk, i. e. to compare the q index distribution of sample in full-recrystallization condition and as-deformed condition, and then the sum of each orientation recrystallization fraction considering coefficient which was each orientation grains fraction was the final result. The results show that the improved method can avoid errors carried by the dependence of q index on crystallographic orientation for the original q index integration method, so it can gain more accuracy results.