Characterization methods of thermodynamic characteristic temperature of metallic glass
Graphical Abstract
The thermodynamic characteristic temperatures of Zr60Cu28Al12 and Zr63.78Cu14.72Ni10Al10Nb1.5 metallic glasses were characterized by DSC, DIL and DMA, respectively. The results show that the glass transition and crystallization processes of metallic glasses could be effectively defined by these three test methods. DSC and DMA were more sensitive than DIL in characterizing glass transition process. The glass transition temperature of metallic glasses characterized by the midpoint of DSC, the inflexion point of DIL and the starting point of DMA were similar. Both DSC and DIL could effectively separate the multiple crystallization process. The crystallization temperature characterized by DSC was lower than that by DIL, while DMA was more difficult to distinguish the multiple crystallization process, and the crystallization temperature characterized by DMA was the lowest.