

    Reason for corrosion of aluminum alloy window frames

    • 摘要: 摘要 某铝合金窗框在建筑施工完成后,其表面出现白色结晶腐蚀产物。采用宏观观察、化学成分分析、涂层厚度测量、红外光谱分析、扫描电镜及能谱分析、X射线衍射分析、金相检验等方法分析了窗框腐蚀的原因。结果表明:由于施工不当,铝合金窗框表面涂层受损,酸雨及潮湿环境中含有的(SO42−、Cl、(OH)等腐蚀性离子使铝合金窗框发生腐蚀。


      Abstract: Abstract After the construction of a certain aluminum alloy window frame, white crystalline corrosion products appeared on its surface. The cause of window frame corrosion was analyzed using macroscopic observation, chemical composition analysis, coating thickness measurement, infrared spectroscopy analysis, scanning electron microscopy and energy spectrum analysis, X-ray diffraction analysis, metallographic examination. The results show that due to improper construction, the surface coating of the aluminum alloy window frame was damaged, and corrosive ions such as (SO4)2−, Cl, (OH) were present in acid rain and humid environments, ultimately led to corrosion of the aluminum alloy window frame.


