

    Preparation of transmission electron microscopy microcolumn samples based on focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy

    • 摘要: 利用聚焦离子双束电镜在传统透射电镜试样制备的方法上进行改进,通过改变离子束辅助沉积的区域及作用,以及将U形切改良为L形切,成功提取压缩后的小鼠骨骼微柱试样至专用铜网上。提取出的试样通过离子束精确减薄后,可在透射电镜下观察到胶原纤维走向。


      Abstract: By using focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy to improve the traditional method of transmission electron microscopy sample preparation. By changing the area and effect of ion beam assisted deposition, and improving the U-shaped cut to L-shaped cut, the compressed mouse bone micro-pillars samples were successfully extracted onto a dedicated copper mesh. The extracted sample could be precisely thinned by ion beam, and the direction of collagen fibers could be observed under transmission electron microscopy.


