

    Sample preparation method for fully automatic melting furnace

    • 摘要: 摘要 采用全自动熔融炉制备试样,出现稀释比不稳定、自动配比时间过长、熔融后试样表面存在气泡等问题。对全自动熔融炉制样的影响因素进行研究,分析制样的最佳参数。结果表明:在天平传感器旁加挡板,选用助熔剂粒度为0.150~0.200 mm,试样上层助熔剂的质量分数为25%,试样下层助熔剂的质量分数为75%,最高熔融温度为1 085 ℃的参数制备试样,能满足试样X射线荧光分析的精密度要求。


      Abstract: Abstract The use of a fully automatic melting furnace for sample preparation resulted in issues such as unstable dilution ratio, long automatic proportioning time, and the presence of bubbles on the surface of the melted sample. The influencing factors of fully automatic melting furnace sample preparation were studied and the optimal parameters for sample preparation were analyzed. The results show that added a baffle next to the balance sensor, the parameters of using a flux particle size of 0.150-0.200 mm, a mass fraction of 25% for the upper layer of the sample fluxing agent, a mass fraction of 75% for the lower layer of the sample fluxing agent, and a maximum melting temperature of 1 085 ℃ to prepare the sample could meet the precision requirements of X-ray fluorescence analysis of the sample.


