

    Reason for the fracture of the soot blower gun barrel in a certain unit

    • 摘要: 摘要 某机组15CrMoG钢吹灰器枪管发生断裂现象。采用宏观观察、化学成分分析、金相检验、扫描电镜及能谱分析等方法分析了枪管断裂的原因。结果表明:吹灰器炉外水平高度偏低,使吹灰器枪管内产生积液,炉膛烟气随后进入枪管,烟气与残余蒸汽结合形成腐蚀介质并堆积,使吹灰器枪管发生低温硫腐蚀,枪管严重减薄,最终导致枪管断裂。


      Abstract: Abstract The 15CrMoG steel soot blower gun barrel of a certain unit broke. The cause of barrel fracture was analyzed using macroscopic observation, chemical composition analysis, metallographic examination, scanning electron microscopy and energy spectrum analysis. The results show that the horizontal height outside the soot blower furnace was too low, which caused the accumulate of liquid inside the soot blower barrel, resulted in the entry of furnace flue gas into the barrel. The flue gas combined with residual steam to form a corrosive medium and accumulate, resulted in low-temperature sulfur corrosion of the soot blower barrel, severe thinning of the barrel, and ultimately led to barrel fracture.


